Please come this Friday, December 1 at 7:00 pm to
38 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002
and / or
48 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002
for the NYC launch of the 2024 Annual. The event will take place in two basements at once, *both* O-R-G and Entrance gallery, a few storefronts down. Arrive to either, languidly make your way to the other — there will be readings, music, drinks, friends. 
Readings by Sean Catangui, David Reinfurt, Meghna Rao, Michelle Santiago Cortés, and Desmond Wong. Music by Timothy Rusterholz. Drinks by Megan Pai.

The Annual is a yearly anthology of writings from the people of This year, the Annual is themed “trace,” as in to find or discover through investigation; to copy, sketch, or superimpose; a mark, a sign, an inkling, a glimpse.

Contributors include David Reinfurt, Terry Nguyen, Daniela Bologna, Jon Chen, yana m’baye, Shelby Wilson, Amirio Freeman, Michelle Santiago Cortés, Sarah Chekfa, Michelle Kuan, Noa Mori Machover, Desmond Wong, Sanaa Asim, giorgia chiarion, Andrew Walsh-Lister, Laurel Schwulst, Tracy Ma, Christophe Clarijs, Sean Catangui, Meghna Rao, Lester Rosso, and Scott W. Schwartz.

The book will be available at the launch and in the Store in early December. 
